About - Anne McGrath, RN

I am a dedicated RN with over 15 years of Nursing experience providing direct care and support to individuals and families who are experiencing the transition of end-of-life, in varied settings (hospital, home, etc.).

My training has been invaluable to establish and maintain a presence of calm compassion, which is central to my practice. In addition to my Registered Nurse Licensure, these trainings have included: "Doulas for The Dying" led by Henry Fersko Weiss LCSW, "Basic Therapeutic Touch" with Eloise Monzillo PhD RN and attaining the level of Reiki Master, under the guidance of numerous Reiki Master Teachers.

During the end-of-life transition, as we approach the "Threshold", we have the opportunity for some of our most precious moments. However, few of us have a frame of reference to navigate the rapid shifts, the physical changes or emotional demands of this time. We can easily lose sight of the profound - for the mundane.

It has been shown, in my practice, that if we can better understand the terrain, we are empowered to move forward with a focus on what is important.

Identifying the need, in 2021, I developed and offer this comprehensive service in private practice. My goal is to co-create a healing environment which can support the connections of our life experiences, without judgement.

I recognize that sharing our unique experiences and creative spirit is the gift of end-of life-care. And I hope you do, too. Please reach out, if this resonates with you!

For more information, please review policies.

Skelteonized Bodhi leaf